Yvonne Davies, Yvonne Davies, former elected Chairman of the Manchester & Salford Bench commencing 1st January 2013, psychotherapist and mental health counsellor - I Just Wanted to Make a Difference Charles Walker, Chairman of the All Party...
Speaker: Rupert Oldham-Reid (Centre for Social Justice) Charles Walker welcomed Rupert Oldham-Reid to the meeting and explained that the meeting was going to take the format of a more informal chat rather than a presentation after which Rupert...
Bernard Hogan-Howe General factors of cannabis use increase likelihood of crime. There are several ways that we need to address these issues. We need to address the health issues involved in the taking of drugs as well as...
Then suddenly he went right off the rails: Mothers’ stories of adolescent cannabis use
Altered brain structural and functional connectivity in cannabis users
Drugs: It’s just not worth it
Our 35-page book gives clear and easy to read facts and advice aimed at teenagers and young people.