The wide-ranging review will look into ways drugs fuel serious violence. Today (Friday 8 February), the Home Secretary has appointed Professor Dame Carol Black to lead a major review that will look into the ways in which drugs...
Evidence produced for Professor Dame Carol Black's Inquiry into Drug Use in Britain Violent deaths/injuries caused by cannabis users Professor Dame Carol Black Summary Violence Stories Cannabis, Aggression and Violence - An extract from Cannabis: A General...
New campaign to remind people taking medicines to check with their doctor or pharmacist before getting behind the wheel. [ New drug drive legislation comes into force from 2 March 2015 in England and Wales. So long as...
Then suddenly he went right off the rails: Mothers’ stories of adolescent cannabis use
Altered brain structural and functional connectivity in cannabis users
Drugs: It’s just not worth it
Our 35-page book gives clear and easy to read facts and advice aimed at teenagers and young people.