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NIDA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

by CanSS, posted 31 07 2020

Dear NIDA Strategic Plan 2021-2025 In drafting your strategic plan for 2021-2025 research and funding decisions I respectfully submit a request that due consideration be given to placing a moratorium on any research that seeks to recruit pregnant...

Written evidence from Cannabis Skunk Sense

by CanSS, posted 09 05 2019

DRP0013 Written evidence from Cannabis Skunk Sense     1.Aims Cannabis Skunk Sense (also known as CanSS Ltd) provides straight-forward facts and research-based advice on cannabis. We raise awareness of the continued and growing dangers to children, teenagers and their...

Police sidestep drug laws.

by CanSS, posted 21 04 2019

The police, who seem to be ignoring government policy, are backing the testing of drugs at clubs and universities (“Police drugs policy of ‘test, not arrest’ condemned as back-door legalisation”, News, last week). It is wrong to think...

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