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Is Cannabis being used as a substitute for non‐medical opioids by adults with problem substance use
Is Cannabis being used as a substitute for non‐medical opioids by adults with problem substance use in the... SECTIONSPDFPDF

Clinical features and risk factors associated with prenatal exposure to drugs of abuse
Antonia Roca 1, Pilar Jarque 1, Isabel Gomila 2, Emilia Marchei 3, Roberta Tittarelli 4, Miguel Ángel Elorza 5, Pilar Sanchís 6, Bernardino Barceló 7 [Article in Spanish] Abstract Introduction: Early identification of neonates...

PMID: 33041240 DOI: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2020.08.003

Gray matter changes in chronic heavy cannabis users:
 a voxel-level study using multivariate pattern analysis approach Yue-Fen Wu 1, Bo Yang Abstract Recent structural MRI studies on gray...

doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001532.

Preliminary in vivo evidence of lower hippocampal synaptic density in cannabis use disorder
Abstract Cannabis is one of the most commonly and widely used psychoactive drugs. The rates of cannabis misuse...

European Drug Report   Key Issues
European Drug Report    Key Issues

ISBN: 978-92-9497-503-4 Pub. DOI: 10.2810/759563 Catalog Number: TD0420439ENN

European Drug Report Trends and Development
European Drug Report  Trends and Development

ISBN: 978-92-9497-544-7 ISSN: 2314-9086 Pub. DOI: 10.2810/420678

Cannabinoids decrease the metabolism of glucose in the brain leading to deficiencies
Cannabinoids decrease the metabolism of glucose in the brain leading to deficiencies in social interaction

Nature. 2020 Jul;583(7817):603-608. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2470-y. Epub 2020 Jul 8. PMID: 32641832

Maternal cannabis use in pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes
Maternal cannabis use in pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes

Nat Med (2020).

Medical Marijuana, Recreational Cannabis, and Cardiovascular Health:
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association ;0

Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work
Report August 2020


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